
The anonEMous Network is the first and original nationwide, peer-to-peer system striving to improve wellness and resiliency among Emergency Medicine residents – while removing concerns of stigma by offering users the protection of complete anonymity.

Most, if not all, residencies in the US offer a support system through their respective programs, departments, or hospitals. While it has been great strives forward compared to where the system was decades ago, there has yet to be a completely anonymous network for like individuals going through and experiencing, largely, the same training.

Now there is a free alternative to help supplement services that you might utilize at your program. Now there is an option for you to speak out to another resident without worrying in the back of your mind “will our conversation be kept between us”? Now there is a solution that you can utilize in the hospital, at home, or on a beach.

The anonEMous Network is a completely free service. No spam. No archived conversations. No worries.